March 31, 2025 – Occupational Safety Card Webinar


Get the official Occupational Safety Card fast and join our Occupational Safety Card Webinar (7 or 4 hour online webinar + exam)! The Occupational Safety Card (Työturvallisuuskortti) is issued to persons who have completed this training. The safety card helps to get a job in Finland in businesses such as construction, industry or transportation. See the detailed course description below.

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Occupational Safety Card WEBINAR course in English

Date: March 31, 2025 (for other dates click here) Time: 08:30 – 15.30 (GMT +2 Finnish time) The Occupational Safety Card  (“Työturvallisuuskortti” in Finnish) is required in Finland in many fields such as construction business or industry. The card clearly brings more job opportunities to its owner and is often absolutely necessary if one wants to get to work. The training provides basic information about the dangers within a working environment and occupational health and safe08ty in shared workplaces.

A personal Occupational Safety card, which is valid for 5 years, is granted to persons who successfully complete the training (7 hours + exam OR 4 hours + exam). The course is in English and is held online in real-time on the predetermined date and time. To participate in a webinar, you must use a computer, tablet, or a mobile phone and should have a stable internet connection.

7 hour course (+ exam) – 7-hour (+ exam) Occupational Safety Card webinar is only 1) for those who have not done the occupational safety card course before  AND 2) for those whose existing safety cards have already expired.

4  hour course (+ exam) – 4-hour (+exam) Occupational Safety Card renewal course is only for those who have an Occupational Safety Card and the card is still valid (not expired) on the date of the webinar. The safety card number is required from the participant and the card number has to be written on the reservation form. The 4 hour course is equally qualified as the 7 hour course.

Both courses (7 and 4 hour webinars) are held on the same day. 7 hour course starts at 8.30 a.m. and 4 hour course starts at 11.30 Finnish time. Both courses end at the same time at 15.30. Immediately after the course has ended starts the Occupational Safety Card exam (online exam) which usually takes 10-30 minutes from the participant to finish. After the participant has done this online exam can he leave the webinar.


  • 119 € + 0% VAT (EU companies: reversed VAT, VAT number required) = 119 €
  • 119 € + 25,5% VAT (non-EU companies + companies situated in Finland) = 149,35 €
  • 119 € + 25,5% VAT (private people) = 149,35 €

Private people are required to pay the course fee during the registration (cash or credit cards accepted). Companies can be invoiced. 7 hour and 4 hour courses have the same price.

Note: After you have booked, you will receive a confirmation email. And latest 4 days before the webinar starts we will send to the participants email address a link to the webinar, some additional information about the webinar and a course book (in PDF-format). Please click this webinar link appr. 5-15 minutes before the webinar starts.

The intended goals of this training are:

  • To know the principles of occupational safety and health of a common workplace
  • To be able to identify the risk and stress factors of work
  • To understand the principles of safe and healthy working
  • To understand the importance of human operations for occupational safety


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